An ECOnomic and Essential Food Truck for your Commercial Sector

Eco Food Truck

Buy a new custom food truck at a viable price and upgrade it later if you need

An economical and functional Food Truck for your commercial sector

The Eco Food Truck is the most affordable choice in the food truck range. It has a minimal outfitting which, however, does not give up on the high construction standards of premium VS mobile food trucks.


Made with two opening systems, full door and half door, it can be customized based on the customer’s needs with a minimal and efficient construction concept.


The Eco Food Truck maintains the professional equipment of the premium setups, as well as the compliant systems and materials, giving the customer the possibility of upgrading it at a later time, when custom graphic design and equipment can be quickly added.

It is possible to create an Eco Food Truck for different types of products: pizza, hamburgers, poke, sushi, pasta, gelato, wine, fried food, and so on. The layout is configured according to the business sector and the equipment needed for the products being sold.

The basic equipment includes:

  • a compliant independent water system
  • a compliant electrical system
  • a compliant gas system (optional)
  • LED lighting
  • security locks
  • a non-slip entrance step
  • support feet
  • stainless-steel surfaces