Pizza Oven Truck | Pizzavelo | From a simple bicycle to a mini food truck >

Pizza Oven Truck Pizzavelo

  • Ape Pizza con Allestimento Smart per street food a Tolosa | Pizzavelo
  • Dalla bicicletta al 3 ruote Piaggio Ape Pizza il passo è breve. Pizzavelo arancione comprato a costi economici da imprenditrice di Tolosa in Francia
  • Pizzeria ambulante con forno a gas ideata per muoversi agilmente nei centri storici
Piaggio Ape, Ape Smart & V-Smart®, Pizza
About This Project

This mobile pizzeria project comes from its creator Liz’s desire to expand and evolve her street food business by going from a simple bicycle to a food car made specifically for her needs. VS collaborated step by step with the client to create this mini Pizza Oven Truck that allows Liz to churn out the best pizzas in Toulouse.
Features and equipment of the Pizza Oven Truck PIZZAVELO:

  • Ape Classic Smart
  • N° 2 customized storage spaces
  • Customized fridge
  • Oven predisposition
  • Closed storage space
  • Gas plant compliant to standards
  • Independent water system with hot water
  • Electric system 220V 16A
  • LED lightning 3000°K

It is a small pizza truck with a gas oven studied to easily move through the city and historical centers, a mini food truck that catches your eye and put’s a smile on your face. Selling pizzas with this small shop on wheels bought at a good price is a pleasure and customers will be struck by your enthusiasm even before they enjoy the food.